An Orchard of 'Whoevers' in Orange Mound
Socially, everyone shares space, time, and oxygen daily among people with whom they have no interest or compunction to be involved. Present but unseen, they may fall into categories of old, young, fat, thin, smart, slow, liberal, conservative, believer, non-believer, Republican, Democrat, American or “other”. “Dismissed” or “canceled” are current expressions used broadly among Generation Z and all too often among those of us unwilling to see everyone in our midst as people made in the image of God.
Rick and I have recently completed an intensive week of study, tours, and reflections in England and Scotland among ten talented scholars of history and

theology. We enthusiastically shared space, time, air, room, and board with them.
Coasting on their credentials, I touched a first edition of the Guttenberg Bible. I sat at the desk of C.S. Lewis, and I stood in the space where Archbishop Cranmer wrote the Book of Common Prayer. We were convinced by the abundance of facts and artifacts that England’s courageous church leaders of the 17th and 18th centuries sparked, and then set aflame, the Reformation of the Church and the translation of the Bible into English for commoners. The Puritans brought the Bible to America and Christian education in America took root.
Four centuries since, many in our country have canceled the veracity and value of the Bible, and many more are woefully biblically illiterate.
Our fellow travelers, on the trip through England and Scotland, were united in mission to explore solutions to evangelize those in Generation Z who are unaware of God’s plan of redemption, His love for His creation, and His mercy and kindness to all who breathe our air and live in our spaces.
While our focus is different, I was thankful for opportunities to share with the group what is underway in Orange Mound at My Cup of Tea.
None of the ladies at The House have heard of the Guttenberg Bible or imagined the historical record of men and women who were martyred for bringing the Bible to the people. They and we are the beneficiaries of the heroes of our faith.
“For whoever will confess Jesus is Lord and believe in her heart God raised Him from the dead, she shall be saved”. Romans 10:9-11. Unlocking this truth was the catalyst that brought the Bible within reach four centuries ago and is equally impactful today.
I often reflect on our mission at the House:
…to walk with women beyond the boundaries of poverty and neglect and assist them in building stable lives. We transform lives by providing meaningful employment packaging and selling tea, nurturing cross-cultural, trusting relationships, fostering respect and understanding, and prioritizing and demonstrating authentic community with the women we serve and our neighbors in Orange Mound.
Economic headway is static and difficult to measure optimistically. Current inflation and government subsidy deflation has discouraged our ladies’ climb out of poverty and amended their hopes and filed away their dreams for a time.
Growing in faith, however, we are on track. Four of our women have joined the “whoevers”, and all are grasping biblical insight and have expressed genuine seeking hearts to embrace the Lord’s plan and purpose for themselves.
Only a few of our employees have a high school degree, and their public-school education legally bypassed prayer in the classrooms and courses on Christianity. Nevertheless, there is a fresh and genuine thirst for Truth without knowledge of the foundational integrity of our Christian faith.
I reminded my fellow travelers through England and Scotland that these ladies are no less valuable in the eyes of Jesus than authors, scholars, martyrs, or kings. The Bible has over 400 references to caring for the poor in the cities, on the sidewalks, and the slums. The Lord is no respecter of rank or PhD’s. Every space in time is fertile for the spread of the Gospel.
Through our individual friendships and opportunities to serve in Orange Mound, we have received favor at My Cup of Tea. We are serving “manna” to all levels of spiritual appetites. Matching the need for safety, security, and significance with the guidance of the loving Holy Spirit is fulfilling our mission of 12 years and fortifying our purpose for the future.
My new friends, with whom I shared the visit to England, will participate in the ignition of a much-needed revival of faith in North America. They are dedicated and anointed to further the Kingdom of God. Much like the First Century Church, their prayers, networks and resources will be powerful in the hands of the Lord.
But our prayers are equally powerful, and we honor the same God who answers them. As one of my new friends commented as we were departing, “We are dedicated globally for the rebirth of the lost among influencers of the 21st Century, and your mission field is one block in Orange Mound”.
This is our space, our time, and our empowering Spirit-filled oxygen for enlightenment. Our ladies of Orange Mound are already changing the neighborhood for good by sharing the Gospel.
Our mission field, as is theirs, is the “apple of God’s eye.” One apple seed in Orange Mound has the potential to create an orchard of women whoevers .